Wilder Ecological, Inc. is an environmental consulting corporation based in California, with specific expertise in US southwest and west coast marine environments. We provide staffing and field leadership for scientific research, surveys, assessments, technical writing and reporting, and biological compliance monitoring.

A commitment to quality keeps us focused on employing career field biologists, and delivering their expertise at competitive rates.  Our small core size imparts agility and allows us to focus immediately on the unique challenges in a given project, yet rapidly scale up our staffing as project needs evolve.

Wilder Ecological personnel work outdoors for a living, year-round.  Their long term investment in a fulfilling career in the field delivers measurable and immediate benefits to our clients:

  • Pro-active and responsive communication brings personalized attention from field professionals
  • Experienced personnel command efficient use of field time, lowering client expenses
  • Relevant, quality data minimizes office processing effort and expedites reporting
  • Timely deliverables in direct support of client deadlines
  • Flexibility to rapidly adapt focus and techniques to accommodate evolution in project goals
We have leadership experience on restoration, scientific, and environmental compliance projects of varying sizes and scopes, from remote island research outposts to utility scale solar developments. Our staff and associates are credentialed and agency authorized biologists with the expertise to conduct species-specific protocol surveys and scientific research, and are currently some of the most experienced biologists working on large Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) translocation projects in the Mojave Desert in Nevada and California.